


planimetry; constructivism of problems; modeling; binary drawings; problems of calculation, proof and construction


Today, students in grades 7-9 of secondary schools solve mainly planimetric problems to calculate the minimum level of complexity. They are practically not taught how to prove, not to mention that construction problems are a real stumbling block for yesterday's high school graduates. When taking tests in Elementary Geometry, most university freshmen are unable to solve problems from the textbooks they studied. In addition, the drawings for any proposal, whether for calculation or proof, do not stand up to any criticism. The vast majority of first-year students do not perform well. We can attest to this by referring to our own experience of communicating with students during lectures and practical classes. Therefore, in this study, we set out to demonstrate the crucial role of correct and visual, and thus highquality, modeling of figures to theorems and problems with binary images using specific planimetry propositions. Twelve examples are considered. Four calculation problems, seven proof problems, and one construction problem are solved. All the tasks are of the Olympiad level and have an increased level of difficulty. For each of the tasks, using the capabilities of the Microsoft Word text editor, color drawings are modeled in the proper style. Comments are provided on the role and place of the figure in its effective, competent use to find the optimal step-by-step path to the result. Since we are talking about geometric problems, the text describes detailed algorithms for solving each of them. The problem statement, analysis of the latest research and publications, which, by the way, are too few in our country, are presented. The purpose of the work is formulated. Finally, the conclusions and prospects for further research in Euclidean geometry are described in detail. The author emphasizes, in particular, the possible use of modern computers, ICT and other new technological teaching tools in working with both school and university students.


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Author Biography

  • Lenchuk Ivan

    Doctor of Pedagogy sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Algebra and Geometry, Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko., Zhytomyr, Ukraine


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How to Cite

CULTURE OF DRAWING IN PLANIMETRIC PROBLEMS. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 71, 157-169.