DOI:łowa kluczowe:
information educational environment; learning process; professional educational establishments; blended learning; learning process qualityAbstrakt
In the articles the concept of an information educational environment, the opportunities and prospects for its use to ensure the educational process are highlighted. The types of information educational environments are distinguished: the environments focused on imparting knowledge; the environments focused on self-guided knowledge acquisition; a mixed type of environments. The functions of the information educational environment are highlighted: formation of motivation to learn; development of students’ self-guided work; development of students’ abilities to research and creative activities; ensuring the informatization of professional education. It is established that in relation to traditional learning, the information educational environment, in general, can be: supporting the educational process; neutral; and blurring. The principles of the information educational environment construction are formulated: multicomponent, integrity, distribution, and adaptability. The main functional areas of the information educational environment are highlighted: psychological and pedagogical, software and technical, information and communication. It is stated that the information educational environment is a systemic multicomponent formation, saturated with various resources and didactic opportunities. It is determined that the information educational environment is characterized by certain features. In particular, the information educational environment is subject-oriented, didactic, personal-developmental, unified, integrated, highly technological, multimedia-based, virtual, open, pedagogical, and electronic. It is determined that the information educational environment is a set of software and technical, educational and methodological, information and communication systems that provide the educational process and are aimed at achieving educational results by students. In accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the information educational environment, the following structural and substantive components are distinguished: content-methodical, software and technical, communicative, organizational and managerial. The pedagogical conditions for improving the learning process in professional educational establishments in the context of the information educational environment are substantiated: creating positive motivation of students through the organization of reflective activities regarding the current level of students’ readiness for learning activities in the information educational; enriching the content presented in the information educational environment with material that contributes to improving the quality of the learning process; involving students in the learning process in the information educational environment of professional educational establishment by improving their knowledge level of in the context of the blended learning technology. In order to improve the learning process in the information educational environment, the levels of students’ readiness for learning activities are identified: low, medium and high, which correlate with the criteria of its development: motivational and value-based, information and technological, communicative and reflective.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Шахіна Ірина Юріївна, Подзигун Олена Анатоліївна, Петрова Анастасія Іванівна, Ткачук Наталія Петрівна
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