For the period of its existence the system of labor reserves of vocational education in USSR has been repeatedly reformed. The system of vocational education in Vinnytsia region in the post-war period was the one system of colleges and schools of factory training which were subordinated to the head office of Ministry of Labor Reserves of the USSR. At the end of the war on the ground of Vinnytsia region in 1944, as well as throughout the Ukrainian SSR, massive forced mobilization of young people to educational institutions of the labor reserves of the USSR began.
The pace of creation the system of colleges and schools of factory training was extremely fast, because the country needed to be rebuilt. In the late 1940s material and technical condition colleges and schools of factory education, low professional and teacher training of teachers, the fragmentation of educational process led to a crisis in the training of skilled personnel.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor Reserves of the USSR № 20 of 03.02. 1949 «About reorganization and partial reduction of schools of factory education of Ministry of Labor Reserves» in Vinnytsia region was supposed to be reorganized 5 schools of factory education in the handicraft colleges at the departments of agriculture. This was the way in which the first educational institutions of agricultural mechanization were formed.
In the 1950s in Vinnytsia region 4 schools of mechanization of agriculture were formed. Among which Kuzmenetskaja and Gushhenetskaja schools, which were preparing brigades of tractor brigades, combine harvesters and tractor drivers, with a contingent of 300 students. For the period 1954-1958 the schools of agricultural mechanization of the UkrSSR has prepared 246 thousand skilled personnel.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Anastasiia Rogozovska-Korsunets, Ivan Romaniuk