
  • Valerii Bykov
  • Svitlana Lytvynova
  • Serhii Tukalo



digital portfolio; researchers; electronic document management; conceptual model of digital portfolio design; ICT


The article substantiates the model of a digital portfolio of scientific (scientific and
pedagogical) workers carrying out case studies. The main characteristics of the digital portfolio
have been clarified, and its tasks have been generalized (monitoring of professional activities;
systematization of materials and developments; demonstration of one's own achievements (if
necessary), creation of scientific and methodological support for educational purposes;
accumulation of scientific research results). Approaches to determining the main components of
a digital portfolio are analyzed, and it is found that the most common free resources are used to
create a digital portfolio, in particular, Google Site, Blogger, YouTube (video portfolio),
PowerPoint. However, the digital transformation of science requires new, effective solutions, one
of which was proposed by the authors of the article - this is the introduction of electronic
document management and the formation of a professional digital portfolio of a scientific
(scientific and pedagogical) worker in it. By the digital portfolio of a researcher, the authors mean
an online resource that is formed from the data of the electronic document flow of a scientific
institution and demonstrates generalized information about the scientific and methodological and
practical personal achievements of a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker, as well as the
results of monitoring his professional growth.
Digital portfolio design is based on the principles of academic integrity, responsibility,
informatization of research activities, lifelong learning, information security. Additional
information of the digital portfolio includes the following sections: list of publications,
collections, expertise, peer review, data on project activities, organization and participation in
events, guidance or advice to PhD applicants, Doctor of Science; activity in relation to providing
answers to administrative documents, monitoring and evaluation of scientific activity, personal
development. Further research requires the development of criteria for an expert assessment of a
digital portfolio.


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Author Biographies

  • Valerii Bykov

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director
    Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools of the NAPS of Ukraine,
    Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Svitlana Lytvynova

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher, Deputy Director
    Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools of the NAPS of Ukraine,
    Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Serhii Tukalo

    Junior Research Fellow, Networking and Databases Sector
    Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools of the NAPS of Ukraine,
    Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE DESIGN OF THE DIGITAL PORTFOLIO OF SCIENTIFIC AND SCIENTIFIC-PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 60, 9-16.