
  • Bida Olena
  • Shovsh Kateryna
  • Radyk Iryna
  • Shimon Dendi
  • Kuchai Tetiana



personal characteristics, modern primary school teacher, reform of pedagogical education, positive atmosphere, in the team, common goals, values


The article defines the main directions of formation of personal characteristics of a modern
primary school teacher. Methodological and theoretical-methodical foundations of training future primary
school teachers for the organization of subject-subject interaction with students are grouped, which is
translated through the following approaches: "cultural, axiological, systemic, synergistic, subject-activity,
environmental, competence, hermeneutic and dialogic, specified in the principles of: self-development,
cultural appropriateness, subject orientation, value-meaningful attitude to interaction, orientation of
learning to the values of the professional environment, text-centrism, cooperation of subjects in all
spheres of activity, freedom to choose the trajectory of development, dialogization of the educational
environment ". Pedagogical conditions that enable effective management of the process of educational
and cognitive activity of primary school teachers have been identified.
The areas of pedagogical education reform determined by the modernization of social relations on a
humanistic basis are highlighted. The conditions for the formation of personality and its formation in the
process of education are prescribed: creation of a positive mood for education; feeling equal among
equals; ensuring a positive atmosphere in the team to achieve common goals; an individual's awareness of
the value of collectively drawn conclusions; the opportunity to freely express one's opinion and listen to
one's friend; an elementary school teacher is not a means of "praise and punishment", but a friend,
adviser, senior comrade. All these conditions are met by interactive technologies, which scientistspedagogues refer to as innovative.


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Author Biographies

  • Bida Olena

    doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology,
    Teacher, Kindergarten Pedagogy, Educational and Institutional Management,
    Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute. Ferenc Rakoczi II,
    Berehovo, Ukraina

  • Shovsh Kateryna

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology,
    Teacher, Kindergarten Pedagogy, Educational and Institutional Management,
    headmistress of the Vocational School of Ferenc Rákóczi II,
    Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education. Ferenc Rákóczi II
    Berehovo, Ukraina

  • Radyk Iryna

    Specialist of the first qualification category, teacher of the Vocational School of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian
    Hungarian College of Higher Education
    Vocational School of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
    Berehovo, Ukraina

  • Shimon Dendi

    Specialist of the highest qualification category, teacher methodologist, teacher of the Vocational School of Ferenc
    Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
    Vocational School of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
    Berehovo, Ukraina

  • Kuchai Tetiana

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
    Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute,
    Berehovo, Ukraina


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How to Cite

TRAINING OF THE FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER DURING THE REFORM OF TEACHER EDUCATION. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 65-74.

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