


pedagogical conditions, aesthetic education, literary reading, younger schoolchildren, principle of collectivism, principle of projectivity, questionnaire


In the article, the pedagogical conditions for the aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren have been developed through dramatization in literary reading circles. A literary reading circle course «Theatre from School» has been developed. The objectives of the course were the development of aesthetically important personality qualities, the improvement of the level of communication between classmates, the activation of independent activities and the development of students' creative abilities. The study results were: stimulation of reading activity, development of “slow reading” skills and deepening of the analysis of a work of art, formation of contextual thinking based on the artistic interpretation of a work of verbal art; improvement of students' oral and written speech. The principles of group classes were singled out, in particular: the principle of cultural conformity, universal human qualities of culture correspond to cultural values, actualization of cultural traditions. Secondly, the principle of collectivism, thirdly, the principle of motivating the personal self-development of students, which was manifested in the creation of conditions for positive self-knowledge and selfdetermination of teenagers in various types of artistic and creative self-realization; the principle of dialogicity, which was implemented in the actualization of the spiritual and value orientations of the young generation, the creative dialogue of schoolchildren with teachers and peers; the principle of projectivity - the construction of the staged activity of teachers, directors-curators of the project and students, aimed at creating a new product, a new phenomenon of artistic reality. At each of them, the tasks of aesthetic and communicative development of schoolchildren were solved in the process of preparing a cultural and educational event with the help of a teacher. The developed complex included: the informational and organizational stage «Theatrical Alphabet», the informational and activity stage, which included an excursion to the theater, watching a professional children's play, discussion of the play; the organizational and activity stage included reading a work of art, discussing and defining the main goal, writing a mini-work; the activity stage included the showing of a literary performance; communicative-reflective stage: discussion of the theatrical production, survey of the audience (students and teachers).


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Author Biographies

  • Iryna Protsenko

    сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Sumy State Pedagogical Makarenko University, Sumy, Ukraine

  • Mariia Bykova

    candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Sumy State Pedagogical Makarenko University, Sumy, Ukraine


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How to Cite

DESIGNING PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR AESTHETIC EDUCATION OFJUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN USING THEATRICAL MEANS AT LITERARY READINGCIRCLE CLASSES. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 71, 91-99.