DOI:łowa kluczowe:
professional competencies, secondary education institutions, young teachers, cognitive situations, New Ukrainian schoolAbstrakt
Education reform in the XXI century - the transformation of the educational process into an
innovative environment. However, it requires from the pedagogical specialist constant development in
professional activity, especially, creative growth for the purpose of improvement of competences. In the
process of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, it is determined that the problem of managing
the development of professional competence of teachers of the New Ukrainian School at the theoretical
level requires detailed research and discussion. Therefore, the main directions of reforming the domestic
educational system, defined by the Concept of "New Ukrainian School", determine the professional activity
of teachers, which in today's conditions is aimed at: transition to pedagogy of partnership (cooperation),
based on the principles of humanization, constant involvement of children in active learning. The study
identifies and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for managing the development of professional
competence of teachers of the New Ukrainian School. In determining these conditions, we proceeded from
the fact that any ideas about the professional competence of teachers are derived and depend on the level
of knowledge that has developed in public opinion, pedagogical theory and practice on the mechanisms and
conditions of human formation and development; the prevailing ideology in this society about the essence
and purpose of man.
The analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to identify the following conditions for managing
the development of professional competence of teachers: 1) purposefulness and systematic management of
the development of professional competence of teachers by the principal and his deputies; 2) the ratio of
the teacher's capabilities with the requirements for the development of professional competence; 3) the
development of knowledge and ideas of the teacher about the psychological and social essence of the child
as a developing personality; about the effectiveness of special pedagogical influence on the development and formation of the child as a person, ways of their implementation in an educational institution; about the
ways of organizing a teacher's purposeful influence on the child's development, their knowledge about
professional and pedagogical activities, its goals, means and technologies of implementation, the results to
be achieved.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Ірина Проценко
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