
  • Opushko Nadiia



dual education, dual universities, formation, development, stages, Germany, Austria


The dual form of vocational education is a training in which the practical part of the training
takes place at the workplace, and the theoretical part - at an educational institution. The main goal of such
training is to prepare qualified specialists who have developed basic skills in the
In the proposed publication, the author examines the stages of formation and development of dual
university education in certain European countries (Germany and Austria). The article is based on the
analysis of documents of European centers for the development of vocational training, important
regulatory documents governing the system of vocational education and training in these countries, as
well as works of domestic and foreign scholars on vocational education systems. The article highlights
the peculiarities of the development and formation of dual university education in German-speaking
European countries. Particular attention is paid to the problem of creating dual universities and state
programs that train specialists and promote duality in the higher education system of Germany and
The author highlights the common features and differences in the selected stages of the studied countries.
The author emphasizes that since the beginning of the twenty-first century, in both analyzed countries
there has been a tendency to spread the dual form at universities, programs for the development of dual
education in higher education institutions are being implemented at the state level, dual education centers
are being created, etc. the most popular specialties in dual education are mainly technical, humanitarian
and economic fields.


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Author Biography

  • Opushko Nadiia

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
    doctoral student of the department of pedagogy, professional education and management of educational institutions of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

STAGES OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DUAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN GERMAN-SPEAKING COUNTRIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 137-150.

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