
  • Opushko Nadiia



teaching methods, theoretical learning, dual form of education, education, universities, German-speaking countries


Today, the development of Ukrainian society is at the stage of preserving the national education system and finding ways to reform it and develop it effectively in the post-war period. Education is undergoing significant political, socio-cultural and economic changes. All this cannot but affect the content and methods of education. There is a change in the educational paradigm, and education is being renewed in various areas: new content, approaches to its implementation, modernisation and development of new technologies are being introduced. The relevance of the presented study is due to the importance of the problem of improving the quality of learning activities of students in the dual form of education as one of the innovative and insufficiently studied forms of education in domestic higher education institutions; the need to create conditions for the full formation of personal functions of the subjects of the educational process; the lack of research that would analyse the methods of theoretical teaching in universities in the dual form of education, especially on the basis of foreign experience. Using the methods of analysis of pedagogical and reference literature, normative documents on the implementation of the dual form of education in European countries and in Ukraine; time and territorialspatial comparison; expert evaluation of this form of education to reveal internal relationships and patterns of their development, the article analyses the methods of theoretical teaching in universities in the dual form of education based on the experience of German-speaking countries. The peculiarity of the analysis of teaching methods in the dual form is their division into stages of the educational process. It has been established that the leading principle of dual form education is the connection between theory and practice. It is enshrined in all training modules; the basis of the relationship is the systematic consideration of practical experience in university classes; the key to combining study and work is the rotational alternation of phases at the university and phases in the company/enterprise/production.


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Author Biography

  • Opushko Nadiia

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctoral student of the department of pedagogy, professional education and management of educational institutions of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

METHODS OF THEORETICAL TEACHING AT UNIVERSITIES IN THE DUAL FORM OF EDUCATION: THE EXPERIENCE OF GERMAN-SPEAKING COUNTRIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 135-145.

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