


practice-oriented learning, teaching technology, vocational education, dual education, form of education, university, training of specialists


The current stage of development of higher vocational education includes a change in the result-oriented basis of training (knowledge, skills, abilities) to a competence-based model of training. The requirements for the results of mastering an educational programme include general and professional competences that are necessary for awarding a graduate with an appropriate qualification. The introduction of a competency-based approach in the national education system requires fundamental changes in all its components, including the development of content, methods and teaching technologies. We consider the active introduction of practice-oriented learning technologies as an important component of the dual form of education to be timely, since this will allow training a specialist aimed at the prompt performance of professional tasks. The article analyses the content, purpose, technologies and conditions for the implementation of practiceoriented learning in dual universities in Germany and Austria. The results of surveys of students and employers on the effectiveness of practice-oriented learning in dual universities are presented. It is established that the prerequisites for the implementation of practice-oriented learning are: the use of real practical tasks in educational activities; modelling of a practical situation should take place in a group form of education; use of interdisciplinary connections. It is stated that the fulfilment of all these requirements will contribute to the creation of a practice-oriented environment in the educational process, which implements educational and professionally oriented functions.


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Author Biography

  • Nadiia Opushko

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctoral student of the department of pedagogy, professional education and management of educational institutions Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PRACTICE-ORIENTED LEARNING AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THEDUAL FORM OF EDUCATION. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 70, 240-252.

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