DOI:łowa kluczowe:
digitalization; society digitalization; education digitalization; digital literacy of a contemporary educator; digital competenceAbstrakt
The issues of digitalization, digitalization of the society and educational environment are
covered. It is investigated that digitalization is aimed at ensuring the longlife learning process, as well as
its individualization on the basis of advanced learning technologies. Digitization of education directly
depends on the level of mastery of educator’s digital awareness which is aimed at making educational
activities up to date and more productive. The scheme of the digital education system is given. The
management of digitalization in the educational environment is carried out through digital marketing, aimed
at organizing the interaction with teaching and support staff, research and teaching staff, graduates,
students, applicants using a range of digital communication channels; monitoring changes in the formation
of a positive image of the educational institution; stimulating the creation of new digital communities and
innovations; development of personalized marketing materials for target audiences. The factors influencing
the digital transformation of educational institutions are considered in the article. It is established that one
of the main elements of education digitalization is digital literacy, which is defined as a set of knowledge
and skills necessary for the safe and effective use of the digital technologies and Internet resources. Based
on the analysis of various sources, digital literacy is based on the digital competence of the educator and is
defined as the willingness and ability to use digital resources, computers, mobile devices and cloud
technologies in the educational process, and to create and effectively use educational digital system
opportunities and all its components in the educational process. The fundamental difference between digital
literacy and digital competence is the inclusion of a component of motivation and responsibility. The types of skills on which digital literacy and its components depend on are highlighted. The main components of
digital competence of educators are listed. The levels of educator’s digital competence are considered and
characterized at the following levels: basic, advanced and proficient.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Ірина Шахіна, Олена Подзигун, Анастасія Петрова, Галина Гордійчук
Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe.