
  • Olha Hroshovenko
  • Olesia Zhovnych
  • Tetyana Koval



проблемне навчання, технологія, інтегрований курс “Я досліджую світ”


The article focuses on the technology of problem-based learning as an innovation, which is characterized
by a rational organization of educational activities. The exceptional role of problem-based learning technology is
characterized in the context of the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School, the principles of
personality-oriented, competency-based, integrated approaches. The implementation of problem-based learning
technology has been studied in the lessons of the integrated course "I explore the world".

The article draws attention to the fact that the problem-based learning technology is based on a problem
situation. The problem situation is considered as a tool of problem-based learning technology, which arises
as a result of mental interaction of the student with the educational material. Particular attention is paid to
the need for teachers to master the techniques of creating a problem situation in the classroom. The problem
situation should cause a cognitive need, help the child to discover the essence of the process or phenomenon
being studied.
As a result of theoretical research, it was concluded that the problem situation is characterized by an

imaginary incompatibility of two or more information. Creating a problem situation is the basis of problem-
based learning, which provides an appropriate level of preparedness, interest of the student in finding an

unknown result.
In the process of studying the integrated course "I explore the world" by younger students, children form
ideas about the world around them. Lessons in the integrated course "I explore the world" are generally
practical. The integrated course "I explore the world" is based on creative cooperation between student and
teacher, learning in situations close to real life. The technology of problem-based learning in this context is
an important tool for the formation of natural competencies.
The technology of problem-based learning is considered from the standpoint of an effective tool for
obtaining the desired educational result, the methodological level of consideration of pedagogical problems,
the introduction of systems thinking.
The concept of problem-based learning is considered as one that is based on the basis of development,
strength of knowledge in their independent achievement. The technology of problem-based learning is
considered as a pedagogical technique that can serve different purposes and be organically applied in
different pedagogical technologies.


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Author Biographies

  • Olha Hroshovenko

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of Primary
    Education Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky University
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Olesia Zhovnych

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
    Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
    Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky University
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Tetyana Koval

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
    Associate Professor of the Department of Art Disciplines of Preschool and Primary Education
    Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky University


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How to Cite

USING PROBLEM LEARNING TECHNOLOGY IN LESSONS EXPLORING THE WORLD. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 87-95.

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