


primary school teacher, life skills, skills of the 21st century, teacher's professional skills, pedagogical education


The article based on the analysis of modern societal demands, was found that the labor market today requires not so much a specialist to have a diploma, but with the certain set of life skills. Scientists from different countries claim that the skills necessary for successful life in the 21st century are formed at an early age, so the primary education system faces a significant task. In the system of 21st century skills, the main ones are defined as higher level cognitive skills, hard and soft skills, digital skills and survival skills. The author of the article proves that in order to form a certain set of life skills of the 21st century in pupils, primary school teachers themselves must possess a system of relevant professional and life skills. The author determined what professional and life skills Ukrainian primary school teachers should have in order to prepare pupils for successful life in the changing and unpredictable conditions. The article considers the system of key professional and life skills that are necessary for the work of a primary school teacher. The author analyzes modern requirements for pedagogical activity and pedagogical competence, in the context of the requirements of the modern educational environment. The main skills, namely the formation of the competence of the elementary school teacher, including the development of creativity, the ability to work in a team, adapt to changes in the field of education and effectively interact with students and their parents, are proposed for consideration in the article. A generalized system of skills is presented and can help primary school teachers effectively fulfill their professional mission and promote the harmonious development of the pupils' personality in primary school. The research points to the importance of developing a set of skills that include not only pedagogical professionalism, but also adaptation to modern requirements of the socio-cultural environment and improvement of the teacher's communicative, technological, and organizational skills


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Author Biography

  • Olesia Zhovnych

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor, doctoral student Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

SYSTEM OF CURRENT PROFESSIONAL AND LIFE SKILLS OF PRIMARY SHOOL TEACHERS. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 70, 106-114.

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