
  • Iryna Shakhina
  • Olena Podzygun
  • Anastasiia Petrova
  • Galyna Gordiichuk


Słowa kluczowe:

smart; smart society; smart education; smart learning; smart technologies; smart textbook


The issue of smart education in the transformation digital society is highlighted. The smart
society formation as the next stage of the digital society development is studied. It is established that in
the smart society there is a transition from the traditional learning model to e-learning, and then to smart
education. Smart education allows students to generate new knowledge and form a personality who is
well-versed in the information and computer technologies for searching, analyzing information and
creating innovations. The pecularitis of the smart education and the technologies with which it is
implemented are considered. It is noted that the concept of smart education assumes the elements in the education system that ensure rapid adaptation of the entire system to changing requirements, not only the
educational process. This is a complex development of educational services, including personnel support,
administrative and legal management, material and technical base and pedagogical design. The elements,
characteristics and conditions of the smart education implementation are given. The key task facing the
smart education is identified, which is to ensure the sustainable development of the society and the
economy in accordance with the changing environment, providing opportunities for creating a new level
of efficiency in the economy and public administration. An important factor of smart education is the
organization of feedback, in order to motivate students, save educational materials and records, also it is
necessary to create a cyber space for further joint use of resources.
The concept of smart technologies and the list of the main smart learning technologies used in higher
education are characterized. The requirements for smart technologies (availability, efficiency, economy,
aggregativity, complexity) are given.
The concept of a smart textbook, which should be the basis for a smart educational process, is
characterized, and the scheme of its development is given. The requirements for the technology of
creation and the foundations that are the basis of the smart textbook, the requirements for its content and
its structure are highlighted. The interactive environment of the smart textbook is defined.
It is concluded that smart education expands the perception of education in comparison with training;
goes beyond the technical developments; solves a greater number of educational tasks and satisfies more
diverse needs of social subjects. 


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogramy autorów

  • Iryna Shakhina

    PhD (in Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Innovation and Information Technologies in Education,
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Olena Podzygun

    PhD (in Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Teaching Methods of Foreign Languages,
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Anastasiia Petrova

    PhD (in Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Teaching Methods of Foreign Languages,
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Galyna Gordiichuk

    Vice Dean of the Institute, Ph.D. (in Pedagogy), Associate Professor,
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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Jak cytować

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